My how time flies! How can it be that she's already been with us (outside me) for 8 months? This little girl certainly fits in here and does great rolling with everything we've got going on here. The red head in her is starting to come out more too. Oh my!
Miss F LOVES her people. She likes people in general, but don't try to take her from her people. She'll cry. :) Even among us she has her favorites. Mr. R had better not walk by without saying "hi" and coming over for a hug would be best. Miss J is a favorite play mate. Oh, and she sure loves her daddy!

She's been crawling for a few weeks now. About a month ago I could tell she was working on it, but after watching some little friends at church race (crawling) by her she really got to work on it. She studied those two carefully as they raced by her over and over again. She'd lunge after them and sadly realize she couldn't follow. Within a week she was making great progress and was quite proud of herself. Most of my little ones have had a sort of mental block that kept them from moving from room to room the first month or two of crawling. Not her! She goes to where the action is; very much like Miss A did. It's so cute to see her notice that someone is in the kitchen and head on in there. Or that all of the other "littles" are having fun in the nursery so she makes her way on in there to join the fun.
She's loving eating real foods. Miss F does NOT like to be fed from a spoon.
She likes to feed herself, but not finger foods.
I love watching her learn as she plays. She loves pulling things out of baskets and putting them back again. The other night she had fun opening a cupboard door and exploring what she found inside. She's kinda over baby toys and likes it when we let her play with "big kid" toys like blocks, duplos, and play kitchen items. We're more than happy to help her learn and play with the others.
This little girl brings so much joy to our family. We are all so very thankful for her. I love seeing how all of her siblings love and dote on her in their own ways. I love seeing how she knows she belongs in this clan and wants to participate in all that we are doing whether it's sharing a meal, reading together, singing, working, or playing. If we're outside she's more than happy to be out playing/walking/exploring with us. She's up for being "on the go" as well, but she's a home body and I can tell she's happier when we get home after being out.