Monday, September 16, 2013

A girl's weekend (plus one little boy)

Rob and the big boys were out this week-end on a camping trip.  While I enjoy going out with the trailer, this trip was in the desert and there was no hook-up (meaning no AC).  That sounded absolutely miserable to this very pregnant mama, so the girls and I had our own fun.

The boys were still preparing to go when the girls and I left for speech group on Friday morning.  I had an errand to run after that and we made it a fun one by having Chinese food at the mall, playing in the play area there, visiting Claire's and looking at hair bows and earrings and then picking up pretzels and frozen yogurt on our way out.

While the boys were having their own sort of picnic that first evening we had one on our cool tile floors while watching Sleeping Beauty (as promised to Miss C who had been asking to see the movie for months).


This is a picture of the boys, looking at a picture of our picnic.  It looks like they are rather hot and are contemplating the wonder of AC (and missing it more than a little).

On Saturday Miss E was wanting to go to Hobby Lobby; she had a gift card she was wanting to use.  Then we ended up next door at Toys R Us scoping out birthday baby dolls for Miss C.  We came home to work on some fun crafts/projects.

Miss J loves to help trim threads on my embroidery projects.  She is such a good little helper!


In the evening we played some games and read books together.

On both Saturday and Sunday mornings we had little tea parties and raided my stash of biscotti (reserved for post birth recovery) while we did our Bible reading.

We had a great time together, and it was a wonderfully relaxing week-end while still being quite productive.  Mr. K didn't seem to mind too much that he was the only boy left behind, and he managed to have plenty of fun too.

*Oh, and despite the lack of AC I hear the boys had a great time!

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