Friday, September 5, 2014

Sister clothes, ponies, Build-a-bear.... A morning with Miss C!

Miss C was in need of jeans.  I told her we needed to go shopping for some.  We headed out to Old Navy (with big sis Miss E).  Miss C found her jeans, and two matching outfits for her and Miss A.  It was all on sale, so I let her get them.  I love that she loves her little sister so much and want to encourage these bonds. :)

One of the matching outfits.

Then I told her I needed to run into the mall for something really quickly.  Miss E and I were smiling all the way.  We had a secret plan....  Miss C spotted Build-A-Bear.  What was that in the window?  Was it My Little Ponies?  It was!  Miss C LOVES My Little Pony.  Could we go in?  :)  Miss E and I were happy with this reaction/question.  This was our secret plan!  

When our little kids get $5 or more in cash I put it in my wallet (marked with the name of the child) so they can make purchases when they come up.  Miss C had a wad saved up, I split the cost of this purchase with her.

Miss C wanted to run into Target to look at their Pony selection as well.  She spent the remainder of the day playing happily and even sharing very nicely with siblings. :)

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