Monday, June 4, 2012

June Cupcakes!

My kids were so excited about the Ladybug cupcakes I would be making this month.

Obviously these are not Ladybugs.  I had sort of forgotten about the cupcakes, but was reminded by the kids on Saturday morning.  I was in the middle of contemplating skipping them this month (I mean, its a LOT of sugar.  I don't think the moms at church are too thrilled with all of the sugar and junk going into their kids, I know I'm not) when Rob said "You've got to do it"  Well, I could not disappoint my husband (or the kids) so off I went to the store to pick up all I needed for those Ladybugs.  Michael's was out of the red candy melts I needed and I really was not it the mood to go around town looking for them so I went home, regrouped, found the simplest "new" cupcakes I could and went back out for my supplies.

These were lots of fun to make and they were the first that all of the kids could easily help with.  Kids helped cut the marshmallows, mix the sugar,  and place the petals and stamen.  These cupcakes have the potential to take quite a bit of time, but with a bunch of helpers they really are a breeze!

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful! I love them. My kids too would be disappointed if you didn't bring your fancy cupcakes.
