Monday, July 11, 2016

Stay-cation continued...with a visit from dear friends!

The week before beginning our stay-cation I was shopping for all of our food at Costco.  I received a text early in the trip....what were our plans for next week?  Were we up for some visitors?  Oh I'd been waiting for this day/text!  We'd been hoping to see this dear family and were so glad God had changed our plans around so those days were totally free for hospitality and fellowship.  Yippee!!!!

We enjoyed sweet times of family worship.

A trip to The Garden of the gods got lots of wiggles out of the 16 children.
We played and played and played.  Inside and outside.  We enjoyed sweet times of catching up and hearing what the Lord has been doing in each other's lives.  We were so thankful that the "F" family thought to come visit us with their vacation time.  We were so blessed to have them here!

Did I mention there were 16 kids in our house?  20 people total?  You never would have guessed it.  Everything went fairly smoothly.  I'm always amazed how well some large families can function together.  We just love filling our home with the love and laughter of dear ones.
16 children all ready for church and sitting still.  Yes, it can be done. :)

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