We had a wonderful Easter time, remembering our Savior and his love for us!
We also had some fun coloring Easter Eggs. The kids got into it more this year, and Miss J got to try it for the first time. The eggs get more and more interesting every year!

The big kids did an egg race during nap time on Saturday, and they also did an egg toss. The eggs did not want to break when they fell on the grass so they had to move the fun to the street later to make it more interesting!

We did a small basket/egg hunt on Saturday afternoon. We did not put much candy in their baskets and we just hunted for the hard boiled eggs since our church was doing a hunt on Easter and we knew they would be getting plenty of candy there. Don't feel bad for them though, they were very excited about the Starbucks cards we put in there!

Easter morning just before getting in the van for church!

Look at all the eggs!

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