Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ice cream rewards

Yesterday was errand day. As always I reminded the kids of what behavior I expected. They were so very good, which was amazing since most of us are getting over colds. The kids got a couple of very nice comments while we were doing our shopping, but the last one topped them all!

An older gentleman that we have seen and talked to before at Costco saw us at Safeway yesterday. He talked with the kids as I picked out produce and then he went on his way. A few minutes later we passed by him again. He handed me $10 and said "I'd be obliged if you would get the kids an ice cream cone" boy did that make their day!
We tell the kids regularly what a blessing they are to others when they are well behaved and
friendly, that it encourages people to see them being so good and happy. It was so nice for them
to be rewarded in this way.

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