It has continued to feel like summer here even though the calendar says it is fall. Slowly signs of fall have been creeping into the home.
Like the pumpkin seeds that Mr. M roasted. He requested them, so I found a recipe for him and he did the rest. They are quite tasty.

Miss E made Pumpkin cranberry scones and cranberry butter to have for our tea party.

We've pulled out the Thanksgiving toys....

...and our sensory bin is all ready for fall too!

The table cloth the Miss E helped me sew is on the table and some other fall decor is out too!

And the biggest sign of all? One morning this week we all awoke to a rather chilly house! I scrambled to find fall clothes for the kids who were shivering in their summer clothes (I guess they've acclimated!). Fortunately I plan ahead and I had nearly everything all set and waiting to be needed!
Yay for fall! It's one of my favorite seasons! Everything looks so nice! The scones especially looked yummy!