Monday, January 26, 2015

Girl's trip!

For months we had awaited the official news of a cousin's engagement and the wedding date.  While we waited the girls (knowing that _I_ would be going) wondered.... Who would get to go with Mom? .... Some even started saving to help pay for the plane tickets.  I ended up taking all of them.

We arrived at the airport BEFORE the crack of dawn only to find out that there was a 1 hour delay.  Then it became a 2 hour delay.  Then 3.  We had a good time while we waited and the airline provided meal vouchers for us.

Finally on the airplane both Miss A and Miss J fell asleep before we even left the gate; missing their first ever take off.

Once we got going all else went smoothly and we had a good time up in the air.

We arrived in town in time to pick up our rental car, settle in a bit at Nana's, run and quick errand and then.... On to the rehearsal dinner.  LET THE FUN BEGIN!

Just as we were heading out Auntie J and cousin J stopped by and Miss E took off with them to pick up the pizza for the dinner

It was so nice to reconnect with the family  (meet the bride!) and give the girls time to get comfortable before the big day.

Back at Nana's the little girls needed some time to unwind and settle in before going to sleep.  That worked out well since Miss E and Uncle C needed some time to blow up the air mattresses.  It seems that the pump was not working.  Oh bother.

Day 1 on a whirl wind trip was packed with fun.  Day 2 (wedding day) we managed to pack in a wedding errand or two, a Hanna Andersson Outlet shopping trip, a migraine for mom (me), Burgerville, and a quick visit with Great Gram.  Whew!  I was thankful to get to take a nap (and kick the migraine) before the wedding festivities got going.

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