Two days later Miss J came down with it. We are constantly marveling at how mature she is for only being 2 (and 3/4). She was so sweet even as she was sick. It was a joy and a pleasure to care for her through most of the night (though I would have been happy to skip it). We set her up on the landing upstairs in front of our TV, she watched her favorite movies- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers- and drifted off to sleep regularly. Rob took over her care in the wee hours of the morning so I could get a bit more sleep.

Now its our turn. Yep, mommy and daddy are sick at the same time. Here is where we are seeing the pay off of the time and energy we have put into having our kids along side us most of the time; training them and teaching them. Miss E jumped right in to get snacks and then dinner. We did not even have to ask her, what a blessing! The older boys helped out quite a bit too. Miss J was the first to notice I was sick and took it upon herself to care for me. She was so sweet, and truly a blessing to me!

Miss C has been improving on her blanket time, and this came in very handy today. She was happy to sit on her blanket playing with her doll while I laid on the couch watching her (the big kids were making dinner). How nice to have a way to keep a one-year-old out of trouble, but still hanging out with the rest of the family!
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