Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Grand (Canyon) adventure!

We promised the kids that we would go to the Grand Canyon while living in Arizona.  Well, we have under two months left here, and we are just now going.  Nothin' like waiting 'til the last minute, eh?  So we packed up the trailer and hit the road.

We were headed up to a favorite camping spot.  The kids were so excited they almost wanted to skip the big hole in the ground to just stay and play!

The Grand Canyon was absolutely beautiful.  I think it was lost on the kids though.  Mr. K and Miss J were awfully excited about the water (the river...WAY DOWN at the bottom).  Nearly all of the kids were excited about the snake at the first stop.

We (all) managed to climb all the way to the top of the Watch Tower.  What a hike, but what a view!

We enjoyed a nice lunch and a few more stops and then headed back to camp for the day.

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