Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Mr. M!

Mr. M turned 11 this week.  True to his general nature we had a low key, but super fun time celebrating.  He wanted to open his gifts early.  We told him we only had one, but if he wanted to open it the night before he could....

...Yep, we got him a doll!

*For a couple of years now we've joked about getting the boys dolls for their birthdays.  We would say things like "did you go doll shopping?" and "What?  You're birthday is this week, well I need to go doll shopping"  Miss A was in need of a baby doll as she was swiping Miss C's regularly.  This was a good time to play this little joke.

As you can see it wasn't really the only gift, and his other gifts were much more appropriate.

He had been wanting a GOOD yo-yo.  Daddy researched them a bit with Mr. M and got a great one for him.  Its been fun watching him learn some tricks.

Miss A on the other hand thought the doll was a great gift.  Mr. M was kind enough to give it to her.

Bowling was his big request for the day.  We spent a couple of hours bowling and playing the games in the back.  A great time was had by all (well, except for Miss A who slept through it all).  I enjoyed watching our big kids caring for the little ones.

Mr. M was his hero.  Mr. K was so happy that big brother won a ball from the machine for him.

Mr. M ended his day with a laughing fit so long and hard that I thought we were going to end up with a tea party on the ceiling!
Happy Birthday Mr. M!  You are growing into quite the young man.  We are looking forward to seeing what God does in your life in the coming years.  Thank you for being a source of great joy in our home!

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