Miss J has been in need of some new bibs for a while now, and Miss C will need some too, so I made some. I went a bit crazy while I was up in Portland shopping at the Mill End Store, and I may have picked up a bit too much fabric for bibs, but I'm thinking we will use them all! I did make two practice bibs before cutting all of these out to make sure they would work. Miss J was so happy to have her banana bibs, as she had been trying to run off with the fabric for about a week! Bananas are one of her favorite foods!

This is what 24 bibs that are cut out and waiting for me to sew them look like, its quite the stack! I've been working on these bibs for about two weeks now, as I have time. They have been going together very quickly and I like how they turned out. For my birthday I asked Rob to please get me a set of snap pliers and plastic snaps to match the bibs (and some other projects), and I've had fun using my new toy! The snaps go in so nicely and really give the bibs and nice finished look.
Here are all of the bibs done and ready to be used. I love how they turned out! I made them in two sizes, the smaller ones will be set aside for Miss C, as well as a couple of the larger ones, so that she can have some nice new bibs too!

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