Miss E had a few speaking parts and did a GREAT job with them.

Mr. R and Mr. M each had one small speaking part, and they did a great job with their parts as well!

It was great to see them up there enjoying themselves after the hard work they put into their practicing.
Rob usually helps with slides/sound on Sundays, but had been taking a break since Miss C was born so he could sit with us. There was so much going on in that department though that we figured he should go back to work. Mr. S and Miss J did a great job of sitting fairly quietly and Miss C slept through most of it. They did so well that I was glad we had decided to sit closer to the front this time!

*So the last few days I've really been dragging and my ear was still very plugged up and hurting from the cold we had a few weeks ago. By Sunday I was sure I had an ear infection and since I had been treating it with ear oil and it was just getting worse I figured I should go in. Well, yesterday I went in and my doctor said my ear looked just fine. We figured out it is a sinus infection. So I'm on antibiotics and I'm feeling a bit better today, but still dragging. Bummer.
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