Monday, March 28, 2011

Back in cloth!

We took a break from cloth diapering during the first trimester of this pregnancy, though we were able to keep it up for a while (thanks Miss E, for offering to help out with diaper changes and laundry!). A few weeks ago we started easing back into using cloth again. Boy was Miss C happy! She loves her cloth diapers!
As we got back into the swing of using cloth again I started evaluating our stash. The pre-folds were looking pretty bad after three kids, we were going to need some new diapers. We've always had a mix of pre-folds and pocket diapers, but now was the time to re-evaluate our reasons for cloth diapering and what worked best for our family.

When we started these are some of the things we considered.

-I started using cloth diapers to help make potty training easier, the cloth diapers (mostly pre-folds) allow the baby to feel wet and have a better understanding of what is going on with their body.

-Pre-folds are harder to use, but less expensive.

-Pocket diapers are more expensive but easier to use (they go on just like a disposable would).

-I like that we are not adding many diapers to landfills (we do use disposables at night and on many trips). Since we use the diapers for multiple children and line dry the energy use is reduced as well. For us, cloth diapering is a way we can be good stewards of our environment.

Some things have changed since starting to use cloth diapers five years ago. I had to consider that I now have some very willing helpers when it comes to changing diapers, but they could not use the pre-folds (at least not very well). While I would not mind continuing to use pre-folds, I'd much rather allow my big kids to help me in this area! After talking to Rob about all of this it was decided that we would switch over to all pockets! I've had some fun looking and shopping (Miss C was excited to look at diapers on the computer too, she was a fun shopping buddy!). I'll post later on what I looked at, what I purchased, and my (short) wish list!

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