Friday, August 30, 2013

The drive home

As I mentioned in the last post, most of the kids were sick for the drive home.  Some to greater extents than others.  While it did make the drive a bit harder I was thankful that we were just dealing with colds (runny noses, coughs etc) and NOT issues related to the digestive systems. ;)  Our van did smell good though, due to all of the essential oils the kids were doused in. (If you are interested in learning more about using essential oils feel free to contact me or check out this link).

Due to our late start from camp we arrived at our hotel for the night very late.  Everyone had gone to sleep on the way.

Miss E has been wanting to go into the Dinosaur exhibit in Cabazon for quite some time and has waited patiently for the time to be right.  Rob decided we should make it happen this time.  Mr. M was not feeling at all well though, so I took him to sit and rest in the AC of Burger King while everyone else explored.  It looks like they had a great time!


I think I had been running on adrenalin for most of the trip.  As soon as we got home I crashed.  I spent the first day napping most of the day, or at least with my poor swollen feet up.  By the next day my feet were back to normal and I was starting to bounce back a bit.  A slow week will do us all good and we should be back in the swing of things soon enough.

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