Our friends' wedding was today! It was such an honor to be able to be so involved in their wedding and reception. I had fun putting it together and it all worked out so nicely! Some of the ladies in the church really helped out with making it all come together too. One of them decorated the chapel and helped me with the reception hall, and a couple other ladies helped out so much this morning with getting the food all set out and then cleaned up. It was a wonderful wedding, and it was so nice to see the bride and groom so happy!
Miss E and Mr. R were in the wedding. The other kids had the option of walking too, but it was all so last minute that they chose to just sit and watch.

The bride's father had passed away, so Rob had the honor of walking her (also named Miss E), down the aisle and giving her away! It was good practice for MANY years down the road when it is time for him to give our Miss E away (and then Miss J and then Miss C....).

The bride and groom were a bit conflicted when it came to cutting the cake. They are both
Marines, and though they wanted this cake it was hard for them to cut through the Marine Corps seal! They managed

It was nice getting to practice walking Miss E. down the aisle!