After having some fun at the u-pick place we headed over to a fruit stand to pick up more produce and then made our way over to our friends' house for lunch! They have a great place "up on a mountain" (say the kids) in a forest. Our kids were so excited to get to play there, they love the yard, and they love the playmates! Rob and I enjoyed the fellowship we were all able to have. Our whole family always looks forward to getting together with this family.

On our way home we stopped at a military surplus store that Rob pointed out to the kids on our way out there (and Mr. M did not stop talking about until we got back to it!). Everyone looked around inside for a while, but they had a great set up outside too. Rob took the big kids

to look at all of the old army tents and jeeps while I stayed with Miss J at the little pumpkin patch that was set up. She just loved running through the hay, and about the time we were ready to go she figured out it was fun to throw the hay around! We all had a great day!

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