I saw
this post over at
Life in a shoe and it reminded me what fun we had at a shrimp boil years ago in Florida. I thought it would be something my kids would love...minus the shrimp! I used a much smaller pot and cut up some smoked sausage and hot dogs as well as including the potatoes and corn. I put in 1/2 and onion and Miss E suggested we add some garlic cloves.

The kids were all excited about eating with their fingers, right off of the table (covered in brown paper bags), and not even having plates! No one disliked this lunch, though some liked it more than others (with six kids that passes as a GREAT success!). It was simple to put together, though it did take a bit more time than I had first thought it would. We will be doing this again at least one more time, and daddy suggested that maybe we could really do a shrimp boil one of these days when he is home!
this looks super fun! :)